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This Healthy Mom’s Holiday Gift Guide 2019
The holidays are always a busy time. Even when we try to slow down it speeds up! Some years the holiday season just flies by and we wish we could put it on pause and enjoy our time with family and loved ones. One thing many people fall back on to help ease the holiday...
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Pregnant? How to Choose a Support Team
If you have been trying to conceive, you probably have your cycle calculated to the minute of ovulation. But have you planned what you will do once you get pregnant? I can tell you I had not thought that far ahead with my first child. Choose Your Primary Care Provider...
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A Tale of Two Doctor’s Diagnoses
What happens when two different parents take their child, one a girl and the other a boy, to the doctor for the same problem? Do they get the same treatment? Here are their stories. Sara’s Checkup Sara’s mother takes Sara, a 3-year old, to the doctor because she is...
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Home for Dinner Supporting RMHBC
BC Women's and Children's Hospital I was 27 weeks pregnant to the day when in the middle of the night I woke up feeling something wet. I sat up, looked and it was bright red. Panic came over me. I woke up my husband and called our midwife who instructed us to meet her...
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Less Is Really More. How Kids Benefit From Less
Is your home overrun by toys, sports equipment, and children’s artwork masterpieces? Do you have boots, gloves and hats overflowing at the front door? Well I do. Living in Vancouver we do not have the luxury of a lot of space in our houses. Due to the high cost of...
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How to Pack Light When Travelling with Kids
You heard that right! Travelling with kids has some ups and downs but packing shouldn't be one of them. A little planning ahead will save you some headaches when you are away from home. No matter your destination, you too can pack only what you need and not feel like...
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Did your child skip crawling? It’s more than just a milestone.
Did you read What to Expect When You're Expecting? Or did you download a phone app that constantly notified you about milestones that your child should have already accomplished? Crawling would be one of those milestones. Child development varies dramatically from...
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Cradle Cap: Causes and Treatments
Have you noticed dry, flaky, scab-like skin on your newborn baby’s head, hair or eyebrows? If you have searched images of “flaky skin on newborn hair,” a wide variety of images pop up, some that look scary. But don’t fret, that dry skin is most likely due to...
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Extended Breastfeeding? Should Just be Called Breastfeeding!
Breast Milk - Liquid Gold I am pro breastfeeding as I think the world should be. But of course I am above all ‘fed is best’. Whatever way you choose to feed your child is up to you and no parent should be judged whichever direction that may be. This also goes for the...
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Fresh 2 You – Nutritious, Yummy and Yes!
Food, defined by the oxford dictionary, “any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.” Food is fuel for our bodies and the types of food we consume have our bodies and mind jumping for joy or...
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